We all know that security organizations benefit greatly from properly documented procedures. After all, who among us has ever forgotten that one item we went to the grocery store for in the first place? Lists work...
There are a number of issues that you might want to focus on in the world of policy and procedure, so here's a place to start. Take the time to actually document functional procedures. This means taking stock of security controls that you employ, and drafting procedures that reflect how things actually get done.
This can be easier than it looks, but with a structured approach, you should be able to find a good many of the day-to-day procedures lurking in your organization. Don't be surprised to find that there are lots of opportunities for standardized behaviors... and lots of evidence that things are happening in a "customized" approach pretty much everywhere.
Organizations worry about the time and expense of documenting standard work processes, but these same entities will invest extraordinary amounts of time looks for small economies of scale to achieve modest but real increases in productivity. Think of standardized work as just another way of achieving predictable outcomes; ones that can actually help your organization's bottom line.
Cashing In on Process...
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